Film and TV Camera

Week 1

Useful Expressions

Tools for Professional Approach: It’s not just about learning, it’s about having the confidence to use English in real life and upgrade your business communication skills.

2 videos, 2 audios, 1 reading
Audio: Филмска и телевизиска техника и технологија
Reading: Историја и теорија на филмот
Video: Филмско и ТВ сценарио
Video: Документарен филм

Week 2

Diplomatic Language

Tools for Professional Approach - Step 2: It’s not just about learning, it’s about having the confidence to use English in real life and upgrade your business communication skills.

2 videos, 1 audio, 1 reading
Reading: Македонски јазик
Graded: Advanced Business Principles

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Film and TV Camera

  /  Faculties  /  Study programs for Undergraduate  /  Faculty of Film Arts  /  Film and TV Camera

Film and TV Camera


About this course

Through film and TV camera studies, students gain the knowledge and experience necessary for a film and TV cameraman’s career, as well as a Director of Photography. The camera student will be formed as an artist and professional in a wide range of cinematic forms and genres both the film and television fields.

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