Film and digital media
FreeAbout this course
The Department of Film and Digital Media is, as of 2018, an official department of the University. It covers a wide range of subjects concerned with the modern and ever-changing world of digital media and the techniques, methods and processes of filmmaking, making it the first such department in the region of Southeast Europe.
The symbiosis between the modules we offer present a skill set in high demand in this part of the world, allowing students to integrate work experience along with their studies.
At its core lie highly skilled professors, as experienced in their respective fields as they are in their teachings. The theoretical backbone and practical experience are an essential part of the department’s mission to provide an education in two main fields which in today’s world are unfathomably inseparable. Film and digital media integrate traditional film, video games, multimedia applications and a range of other modern tools which shape our virtual society to equip young minds with the knowledge necessary to tackle their obstacles in their creative path. We seek to create an atmosphere worthy of a film academy in which creativity, wit and mutual respect prevail in our goal to nurture and prepare the next generation of filmmakers from Southeast Europe.
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Lorem Ipsn gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auci elit consequat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris.
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Case vituperata inciderint has no, no sumo conclusionemque mea, pri utinam iuvaret complectitur ei. No possit consectetuer nec, nam quis deserunt in. Vide debet noluisse ea vim, hinc natum vitae no sit.
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Sed et erant congue graece, dicit laudem equidem eum ea. Eros ridens duo an. Cum quem utinam feugait ei, pri debet iusto iuvaret ad. Eam etiam diceret antiopam eu.
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Qui ut tollit definiebas. Postulant repudiare tincidunt vim ad, mel an amet repudiare honestatis. At aliquid adolescens argumentum nec. Vide decore quidam ea usu, eu viris delectus interpretaris mei.
Education centre
At vim probo autem blandit, libris audiam deterruisset te pro. Ei pro animal maiorum neglegentur, sea tollit inermis et, ea liber semper platonem sed. Per esse constituto conclusionemque te.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te eros consulatu pro, quem labores petentium no sea, atqui posidonium interpretaris pri eu. At soleat maiorum platonem vix, no mei case fierent. Primis quidam ancillae te mei, agam nullam usu ex, eros repudiandae at cum. Quas reformidans eum in. antas aliquam dolores mea no. No eos saepe vidisse ornatus, duo cu oratio sensibus. Erant perfecto mea ex, ei vis dolorem definitiones. Autem euripidis cu eum, sea posse.
Week 1 0/5
Useful Expressions
Tools for Professional Approach: It’s not just about learning, it’s about having the confidence to use English in real life and upgrade your business communication skills.
Week 2 0/5
Diplomatic Language
Tools for Professional Approach - Step 2: It’s not just about learning, it’s about having the confidence to use English in real life and upgrade your business communication skills.